Four schoolgirls arrested after ‘torturing teenage love rival in shallow grave with MACHETE’


Four schoolgirls have been arrested in Brazil after allegedly kidnapping torturing a teenage love rival – revealed in shocking scenes they filmed on their mobile phones .

The teenagers , all aged between 13 and 16, allegedly dragged their 14-year-old victim into a shallow grave they had dug before they tied her hands and feet together.

In the sickening footage – which Mirror Online has decided not to show in full – they can then be seen repeatedly hitting the girl around the head and body with a wooden stick and a small machete in an ordeal that is said to have lasted almost FOUR hours.

The injured girl eventually managed to escape and seek help from locals after her tormentors went to wash blood off their hands.

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  • Demelicos

    Welcome to the next generation.
    We fucked.

    And I am sorry, but there is this shit happening all over, it isn’t exclusive to South America.