Cop cracks windshield with suspect’s head


LORAIN – Lorain police are defending themselves against brutality claims raised by a man whose head was slammed into a cruiser with enough force to shatter the windshield.

The dash cam video, obtained exclusively by WKYC Channel 3 News, shows Pele Smith, handcuffed from behind, being walked to a cruiser on 34th Street in Lorain.

Suddenly, Smith’s face is slammed into the windshield, causing the glass to shatter.

“It’s unbelievable. It’s sad. It’s frightening that an individual while in handcuffs has something like that happen to them,” said Mark Petroff, an Elyria attorney representing Smith.

After the September 2014 incident, Smith was treated at Mercy Regional Medical Center for facial injuries.

He was later charged with tampering with evidence, obstructing official business and resisting arrest. In a plea deal with prosecutors, Smith pleaded guilty and received probation.

Smith, 32, last month filed a civil rights lawsuit against the city and several officers. He is seeking unspecified damages. The case is in U.S. District Court in Cleveland. It is assigned to Judge Christopher Boyko.

Lorain Police Chief Cel Rivera released a statement Wednesday calling Smith “a violent drug trafficker” and said the video “does not tell the complete story” and “could be misunderstood” by the public.

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  • Haywould Youblowme

    Lol filthy niggers need to be exterminated

  • C*HarrisTHEboss

    That shit is uncalled for. Thats what happens when you have cops that take everything personal – the police academy cuts all the folks with above average intelligence – what is left is a singular emotional/mental demographic that cannot critically think and react like slighted high school girls. You read the job description.

    • Winston Mathers

      No, whatever crime that dude committed is what’s uncalled for.

      • C*HarrisTHEboss

        You have no idea what what was committed – and it may have been egregious. But the cop is doing a job MANDATED with laws and protocols by the the state and took an oath to abide by that legislative chain of command. Him reacting emotionally is counterintuitive to the essence of the job description.

        • Robert Stack

          You don’t know that this guy is a model citizen or guarantee that there was no provocation or history of violence so a short dash cam will only tell one part of the story.

          All we know that he is wanting compensation, money for being a victim, so there is a reason for exaggeration and bullshit on his (and his Lawyers) part. We know nothing about the lead up to the incident so ultimately it will be one potential criminals word and a short video against a number of law enforcement officers and a legal support team. Good luck with that, thug.
          Hopefully when it is done they will get him for busting the windshield.

          I’d rather have the cops running the streets than the likes of him, even if that means they are sometimes needlessly physical. In my experience the most likely answer is there is history between the suspect and the officers involved which would have led to the use of physical force. Unless you work in the line of duty you cannot possibly understand the nature of physical confrontation and the reasoning for it. Unfortunately it is the police and there methods today that are under the microscope and not the perpetrators. How the tables have turned to favor the guilty!

          What’s the bet he has a string of petty crimes on his record, probably has no long term employment, is known to police and is looking for some easy money. If that is the case that video is the best thing to ever happen to this guy.

          If, by some miracle, it turns out to be different I’ll eat the proverbial hat.

  • brian smithers

    And that monkey is still yapping even after his mouth breaks the windshield

  • Vasily ignatvey

    Hahaha he was about to cry lol

  • Even in the face of direct video evidence, cops are so stupid and untruthful they attempt to lie. “the video does not tell the complete story…” Hell hey dipshit, its tells us enough that the cops concerned are typical American assholes, and it is that rrogance, why American culture is under fire internally, and externally.

  • Haha Joe

    Nigger have a hard head

    • Robert Stack

      A coconut is hard too!

  • Robert Stack

    Thug got owned, enough said.